premiere reset all my cuts

I had 1 audio file that was over an hour long with multiple people speaking in it….

premiere reset all my cuts

I had 1 audio file that was over an hour long with multiple people speaking in it.

I cut pieces out of that one file at multiple points and places them on different tracks to separate who was speaking.

I worked on this for a few days with no issues, and then after a day or so I opened the project up and found that Premiere had reset all the audio in those cuts so that every audio file that I had cut from that one file now all started at the very beginning.

This was infuriating, because all that time I took to edit the audio was now gone.

The cut lengths that I made to all the audio were kept the same, but all the audio started at 00:00:00 instead of where I had made those cuts.

Any idea as to what caused this? Even all my older auto saved projects of this project had reset as well.

Question from user Padraig-S at premiere at reddit.


It's a bug related to the new edit from text and transcription feature.

Answer from user the__post__merc at premiere at reddit.

premiere reset all my cuts