best practices uploading all assets to project even if i dont need them

I keep all my assets in a broader “assets” folder, then pick and choose from that folder…

best practices uploading all assets to project even if i dont need them

I keep all my assets in a broader “assets” folder, then pick and choose from that folder assets to put into my project folder in every project.

I definitely don't use every asset in every project.

My questions is, is there a reason I shouldn't just upload my entire “assets” folder into every project? I didn't do this before because when I archived video projects, I would “collect files and copy to new location” and I didn't want EVERY file in the project copied if I only used 10% of them, but I just noticed that you can “exclude unused clips”.

Would uploading the entire “assets” library slow down the project? Is there something I'm missing here? Or does everyone upload all their assets right at the start of the project and I'm just being paranoid?

Question from user Klutzy_Search_6715 at premiere at reddit.


Where are you up loading to, and who for.

If storage cost is not an expense consideration the upload every thing always.

If youre upload a ding with the plan that someone else might use the project files, then again, upload everything.

Basically, behy would you not?

Answer from user IFTTT_Discord_Spam at premiere at reddit.

best practices uploading all assets to project even if i dont need them